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"Fuck that Job"...the aftermath. Follow up on life after quitting my job and working for myself...

About 7 months ago I released my first blogs post titled “Fuck that job”. I spoke about how I abruptly quit my corporate job and decided to make a life change to pursue other opportunities. I wrote about how the death of my dad impacted me while dealing with a company that was insensitive and unsupportive and how I no longer wanted to be affiliated with that toxic work environment. I decided to take my chances and bet on myself.

I won’t go into much detail again. You can read the full blog here:

When I quit my secure job my plan was to work on some projects I had on the back burner, relaunch my own event planning company, and look for another corporate event panning job and start back working within the next month or so.

As we know “life” happens and has a plan of its own. For starters, there were a lot of things we had to do after my father passed. We all hated being in the family house since he was no longer there and my mom decided to sell her home. It was the best thing to do for the healing of the whole family. It took us months to go through the house and pack everything and move her out. Plus dealing with grief is really difficult and it was hard for me to wrap my head around everything we had been through. We had to watch him die for months desperately making attempts to save his life just to have to deal with grieving his death. I knew I wasn’t ready to get my head back in the game and commit to a new company so fast.

I became a work from home mom. While I was working my corporate job I would sometimes work late, have events where I’m away from home and even travel so I missed a lot of time with my baby. Don’t get me wrong I was a very active mom, but not in the way I wanted to be. Sometimes I’d be tired when I got home or I just missed being with him all day. When I transitioned to being home daily I immediately saw a difference in my child’s behavior. He started talking/communicating more, became more engaged in our learning activities, he even became potty-trained and his little personality really came out and flourished. My dad was sick for about 8 months so my then 1 year old turned 2 during the most difficult time our family had to go through. I don’t think I was emotionally available or even mentally able to give him the time he needed. I believe that me being home all day with no distractions allowed me to pour into him more which resulted in him really coming into himself. As a parent, this is an amazing feeling. I don’t take for granted the time I get to spend with my child. It goes so fast so I’m grateful for each moment I’m allowed to be present with my child.

As far as business, I launched the new direction of my event planning company which has been exciting. I had my first networking event a few weeks ago which was an amazing turnout. It was hard to get there though. Marketing and getting the word out with limited funds is difficult. I’m grateful for the support, because without it my business would not be successful.

Along with the relaunch of Quinda J. Events I have been working VERY hard to establish myself as a blogger. It looks easy posting pictures, creating content, writing posts, ect….but it’s VERY hard work. Keeping people engaged with my content and getting my brand out there is never ending work. It’s satisfying to me and connecting with others is something that keeps me going so the hard work to me is worth it. Creating passion projects while staying encouraged when can be hard for a creative. Like the phrase says “I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my shit”. Lol!! No, but seriously, my blog is my safe haven and I’m beyond honored to have my viewers that love and support me. I’m just getting started though!

Which brings me to my newest announcement! Let me give you the back story and set the scene first.

So right after I quit my job I was home one day with a sinus infection. My eyes were super watery and my nose was stuffy driving me crazy. I felt and looked like crap. My husband was at work and I had run out of orange juice. I had to make a decision. Either I was going to peel myself up off the couch and out of the house to run to the store looking and feeling like shit OR I would wait until he got off work, stopped at the store and brought the juice home to me. I decided to wait. Y’all, it was rough. I felt like pure ass.

But, I remember thinking “damn, I wish I could just send someone to the store for me” I know there are delivery services for groceries, but I didn’t need a whole cart of groceries since I had just shopped two days before. Also, I didn’t want to order food or even really wait for that matter. I wanted to send a person to the store for ONE item and have my juice within a few minutes so I can get back to resting.

I took a nap, because I was frustrated. Lol! However, that thought stuck with me. I started thinking “what if there was an app service where I get someone to do miscellaneous tasks that I don’t want to/can’t complete such as errand running, chores around the house, car maintenance, personal shopping, and more”. I started to think what life would be like if I could afford a personal assistant. I started thinking “man, life would be so much simpler if I had a personal assistant…but only when I could afford one”. I remember thinking “why hasn’t someone created a personal assistant app…someone needs to do that”.

Well, that someone became me. I came up with a concept of instant personal assistance on demand in the form of an app and decided to go for it. I wrote out my vision for the app and designed the concept/flow. From there I contacted app developers and worked with them to develop the app. It took several looonnnngggggg months and a lot of money, but we got it done! I had to create a business license with a DUNS number for the business, create developer’s accounts, wait for all kinds of approvals from Google and Apple, design a logo, learn how to operate the app dashboard, learn the software…I mean the list goes on! All of this with limited funds since I no longer have a job with steady income. App development is very far out of my element, but I had to learn. I can’t take all the credit for the design since that’s what I paid developers for. I’m VERY happy and proud of the outcome though!

As of today my app is available for download! I officially launched last week! It was scary and nerve wrecking, but I did it!

The best part is the opportunity I’ve created for people to make money. I’m so grateful to be able to offer a platform to put other people in the position to earn income. There are several categories for anyone to offer their personal assistant services. Services such as graphic/website design, editing, content creation, cleaning/organizing services, car repair/roadside assistance, pet care, child/elderly care and even day of coordinating.

Basically in any instance where you may need additional assistance you’re able to quickly log into the app for help. As a planner there are times when I’m setting up for an event and I may need someone to just help stuff gift bags or help gather items at the end of an event. Well, I can now quickly log into my app and find instant help! I remember a time my mom was at my house for a few days after my dad passed and realized she forgot to have someone take the trashcans down the hill on garbage pick-up day (my dad always had it taken care of). Well, now that’s a service offered through the app. Imagine being out of town and you forget to set your garbage out or realize you need your grass cut before you get home, or even want someone to pick up your dry cleaning and have it delivered to your house so you don’t have to deal with it. The app makes it easy to have all of your to do items checked off without you having to do it yourself. It’s literally lifting a finger and your tasks/chores are done! You’re able to easily communicate with your assistant to ensure what you need done is completed.

As an assistant you’re able to solicit your services, set your rate/hours and take as many personal assistant jobs as you like! I know on the days where I’m home and have a few minutes of down time I’ll be able to take virtual assistant jobs myself for people who don’t have time to take care of computer/internet tasks. As a virtual assistant I’m able to help eliminate stress from someone and easily make a few dollars without having to leave my home. A win/win!

I know for me paying for convenience is worth it! If I’m in the middle of an assignment and I need a little help to push me to my finish line I’m like “sign me up”! There have been several days where I just didn’t have the time or energy and wish I could have a little assistance. Life is hectic and we all could use assistance from time to time.

I know we’re in the middle of a pandemic and now is the perfect time for launching ideas since we’re all home. What better way to offer your expertise/services than now? Even though we’re on lock down we still have to get essential items such as food, baby food/diapers, feminine care needs, first aid kits, etc….If there is someone who needs these items, but can’t risk going to the store or even don’t have the means to…they’re able to send an assistant. As an assistant that is an errand runner you’d be able to save someone’s day by providing help…as well as make a few dollars.

As I mentioned, this app became the biggest passion project I’ve had thus far. It took a lot of energy, time, money, late nights, frustrating phone calls, creative clashes, setbacks, etc…but I’m so happy I can share it with you!

The app is called Assist Me. Download it today and take a look around! I’d love to know what you think. If you could use some additional income complete the submission form and become a personal assistant! Share with your family, friends, colleagues and anyone you know what could use some extra assistance making ends meet. I welcome any feedback and look forward to your thoughts!

Thank you again to all of you have supported my endeavors, share my blog posts, read my blog and keep up with my story. You all mean SO much to me and it’s my goal to keep going and providing you with useful content and inspiring you to be your best self as all of you do for me! The love from my blog gave me the strength and confidence to know I had the power to create something that was out of my realm.

I can’t thank you all enough!


App Design. Look for this logo inside the app store. *FREE Download!*

Also, be sure to follow our IG page @assistmeapp

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